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iCON 2, compact laser for small characters

The specialist in small character laser coding. It is clean, fast and easy to use. iCON 2 laser by Macsa is clean, fast and will reduce your maintenance and consumables bill to minimums.

CO2 iCON 2 lasers do not use ink, meaning that you cut costs by not using consumables.

This also reduces maintenance of the laser system while achieving a production environment that is far cleaner and much more hygienic.

If you want more information about this laser coding, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

laser coding
laser coding
laser coding
iCON2 - laser coding
CO2 packaging laser - iCON2
iCON2 laser coding
Reliable and permanent marking.Macsa id has 30 years of experience in development of laser technology. Your maintenance and repair costs are minimal.

iCON 2 marking is permanent and consistent, meaning it will last the life of your product. Suitable for most substrates: labels, carton, plastics, wood and textiles.
Fast and easy to useiCON 2 is a sprinter. It uses high performance lenses, powerful hardware and advanced software, which allow the laser to take on the speeds of many production lines.
Accessible, compact and versatileiCON 2 is unique. The price is no excuse for not going to the laser. iCON 2 is a high quality laser at a very competitive price.

iCON 2 can be installed anywhere. It is small and compact so it can be installed in complicated spaces. Thanks to the laser technology it allows to encode in any position.

Download the iCON2 brochure for more information:

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